What is a Sense of Wonder?
Put simply, a sense of wonder is a feeling of child-like delight, amazement, and admiration at the natural state of the world. It refers to that feeling of grateful awe in the smaller things in life. It drives that natural feeling of wanting to know more about the world around you, like a young child with a curious mind. Wonder gives you a positive feeling and makes you pause in appreciation for those things like nature that are greater than you are.
Lost Sense of Wonder
Losing that sense of wonder – that feeling that anything’s possible – is basically accepting that your excitement in life has reached its peak. A little childlike wonder can go a long way towards finding the bright side and joy. It can help someone find hope where others may not. It can also help a person choose to see the positive things in life, regardless of difficulties and challenges. Ultimately, it's about seeing the silver lining.

How to Regain your Sense of Wonder
Researchers suggest that there are ways to regain wonder in our lives. First, simply slow down, whether it’s in your thinking or even in your physical movements. Really stop and look around. That opens you up to more wondrous experiences. The second tip is to experience new things or take up a new hobby. When you’re experiencing something new, you’re more likely to have the wonder circuits in your brain activated.
I love watching the children around me and feeling their energy and excitement. Take the time to watch the children around you and see how wonder is such a big part of their lives. It may help you begin to view the world through the eyes of a child with wonder and excitement.
A childlike sense of wonder unleashes happiness, peace, and inspiration in our lives. Ask yourself: have you learned anything new in the past month? If not, challenge yourself to learn something new and reignite your sense of wonder.