The Law of Attraction and Manifesting

The Law of Attraction is not a new concept, it became famous with
“The Secret” It is gaining new attention in our society today. So, what is it? It is the ability to attract into your life whatever you are focusing on.
The Law of Attraction says that if you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you truly aim to achieve, the Universe will meet you and find a way. You will obtain everything that you want and more.
I’m sure you have heard “thoughts become things” or “what you put your attention of grows” Every action, behavior, and choice is predicated by a thought, so when your thoughts begin to align with a positive vibration and state of being, you're better equipped to make choices that align with what you're looking to manifest.
How to Manifest

As children we pretend and make believe which is a way of describing how to manifest.
Material things are the easiest to create. Physical things are easy, emotional things are harder.
I have been practicing energy healing for 15 years. Everything is energy and you can learn how to manipulate it.
First, you must know exactly what you want. What you want to do, have, or obtain. Focus on the outcome and not the desire. It starts with a thought or a dream that needs to be visualized in detail. You must feel it, smell it, hear it, and live as if it is already in your life.
Then, don’t worry about how you are going to get it. Let it go, sit back, be patient, and watch the magic happen. Enjoy the process of manifesting. Imagining what you want is meant to be enjoyable and uplifting.
Manifesting is easy, fun and it really works. It’s the Law of Attraction!
Give it a try!